Monday 4 January 2016

First shoot of music video (practice footage)

With this particular footage, I wasn't really sure of how to film a dance video. So, I went with what I knew was a popular convention, which was to have my dancer walking into the hall and making the visual steps of getting ready to be the important sections of the video. However, when it came to editing, it did not work at all as y footage itself did not match up correctly and I hadn't thought about the process of filming for the editing itself. Which in turn made it increasingly difficult to edit and improve. Moreover, I wasn't happy with the footage that I had taken, as there where parts where the camera was not in focus, or I hadn't taken enough care in making sure that I had framed my dancer correctly.

This is a clear representation of my framing that does not work. As the dancer herself is not in focus and neither is her background.

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