Tuesday 22 March 2016

VideoScribe and GoConqr

I taught myself  how to use two different software's during my evaluation process, as I wanted the text to be more visually pleasing and interesting to look at. These included VideoScribe, where in which it is an interactive software, where you type your text out and then someone writes it out as you read it. The end product of this is a small video, where in which you just have to watch the text being written out to you. however, with mine I decided to add some music as well to make it more appealing to look at, but also to listen to.

The second software that I taught myself to use was GoConqr, this specific software allowed you to create text in an interesting way, whether that be through flashcards, slideshows or quizzes. I decided to use the flashcard effect when presenting my text, as it is more interactive through the use of having to click on the flashcards in order to flip them over, so instead of just reading the text infront of you, you have to interact with it.

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