Sunday 20 September 2015

Definition of a music video

A definition of a music video to me is something that has been made in order to further represent a particular song. As a way of not letting the song be forgotten as the use of moving image, helps people to remember and look back the songs in which they like. Furthermore, the use of a music video helps the artists themselves to build up their own identity, which is similar to a theory which was said by Andrew Goodwin, that some music videos help the artist to develop their own iconography as a way of building up their own self- image. Which is similar to that of Michael Jackson who is known for doing the moon walk. It's the idea that doing something memorable will make the songs themselves live on.

Additionally, a music video to me is a source of promotion for the artist, a way of gaining more fans and building themselves up as individual artists. Not only had that, but it’s something that s made in order to entertain their specific audiences. Which is a big thing for songs that a performance based, which is what Jon Gow said. He's theory said that there is a type of song called a 'song and dance number', which is increasingly popular with the more modern songs of today and the purpose of them for me, is to entertain their audiences and keep them engaged not only on the music video, but the song itself.   

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