Friday 11 September 2015

Transition Video

Steps- 5,6,7,8 / Transition video       - Click on the link

During the process of making this music video in the transition weeks, I learnt that it takes a lot of time and effort to get everything how you want it and that you have to take several shots in order to get what you want. Not only that, but  you need to have a substantial amount of footage in order to fill out the music video itself. Because if we didn't have the amount that we did, we would of struggled to fill out the song.

Moving on from this, when we started to film the video we wanted it to be quick paced, with quick edits. Because the song itself is a quick paced fun song, that requires an upbeat tempo. So, in order to achieve this, during the chorus of the song we each had a word to act out and then during the edit, we put them all together to create a smooth final with distinct cuts between each of them. This the helped us the achieve the up tempo of the song through the edits. Furthermore, we also used split screen which is shown in the image below near the beginning of the video as a way of switching it up and making it more interesting to look at.

When we were filming the music video we set out a plan, so we knew exactly what we wanted to do. Which then meant,  that we didn't waste time figuring out what we wanted to do as we already had a set out plan before hand. Not only this, but we knew where about we wanted to film each section of the music video, which made the process run much smoother and it alternatively made things easier between the three of us as there was no arguments or disagreements. This helped us then to decide what types of shots we wanted to use, as we mainly stuck the to medium close ups as we felt that we didn't necessary need to use long shots as much. 

However, long shots were used when we were standing on the stars as well as an establishing shot to set the scene. This then varied the shots that we did during filming, to make it more interesting for the viewer. Not only did the varied shots help that, but the use of different locations and the amount of footage that we had made it more manageable as well.

The editing process, went just as smoothly as the filming did. We all worked together and decided what would look best for the overall music video. And from there we added in split screens and quick editing shots to keep it interesting and engaging for the audience to look at as well.  Not only that, but we all worked well together as a group and all had similar ideas to incorporate during the editing, which then made the process run much smoother.
 Below are a selection of screen grabs of the different locations that we decided between us to film in.

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