Wednesday 14 October 2015


Music video dancers clothing

This is the clothing that I would like my dancer to wear, with the idea of them training at the begining so the idea of wearing shorts and gym clothing, then within the second half they are wearing a leotard and the idea of the skirt to show more movement throughout the camera shots, so I dont just have to rely purely on the body movements, but also the use of the skirt which I can the film in slow motion as a way of making it more intersting to look at.


Tuesday 6 October 2015

After Effects workshop

I took part in an introduction to After Effects in order for me to progress when making my music video, as a way of adding more effects onto it and making it look better and giving it more a professional finish. Within this workshop I learnt how to add text onto a video shot as well as an effect which goes with it, so it makes it more visually interesting to look at, as a way of giving the credits and opening title to the music video a twist. Furthermore, I was shown a collection of short tutorial videos that I can look at as a way of teaching myself how to use this specific software. Which will become helpful, as I plan on using After Effects within my own music video as a way of making it more interesting to look at. 

TV Studio introduction workshop

In order for me to progress within the media platform, I went to the TV studio which is in the creative arts building in the college, as a way of developing my skills further. Within this introduction workshop, I learnt how to put a background on the green screen, as well as how to change the saturation as well as where to place a person or object against the screen in order to get the angle correct so it looks professional. Not only this, but we had a set background of a palace, looking down a corridor, from the left angle. And with this photograph, we placed a chair in the centre, then continued to add chairs to figure out where to put them, and also that you can change the size of them, in order to make it more proportional to the image. Lastly, I went into the green screen area and sat on the chair, this then allowed me to look inside of the room and learn how the room itself works and the process of making sure that the subject is in the right place in order to film the sequence correctly. 

Friday 2 October 2015

Audience Research For Music Video (questionnaire)

Create your own user feedback survey

Music Video Proposal - DRAFT