Tuesday 6 October 2015

After Effects workshop

I took part in an introduction to After Effects in order for me to progress when making my music video, as a way of adding more effects onto it and making it look better and giving it more a professional finish. Within this workshop I learnt how to add text onto a video shot as well as an effect which goes with it, so it makes it more visually interesting to look at, as a way of giving the credits and opening title to the music video a twist. Furthermore, I was shown a collection of short tutorial videos that I can look at as a way of teaching myself how to use this specific software. Which will become helpful, as I plan on using After Effects within my own music video as a way of making it more interesting to look at. 


  1. The workshop was on After Effects. Can you edit this post to reflect that?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
